Thursday, August 12, 2010

God - my creator - & the origin of evil

I want to say from the get-go that this is a very heavy topic to write a simple blog post about. I don't pretend to have any special insights or wisdom which have prompted me to share. I only want to respond to some serious questions asked of me, by a friend, about the origin of evil.

Epicurus asked some good questions about this(I am paraphrasing here):

Is God willing to stop evil, but unable? - then he is not omnipotent.
Is he unwilling and able? - then he is malevolent.
Is he willing and able? - then where does evil come from? (Or some might ask - why does evil still exist?)
Is he unwilling and unable? - then why call him God?

These are very good questions. They are smart questions. I believe that there are many Christians who do not know how to answer these.
So, how do I answer? How do I answer - when I believe that God IS willing and IS able to end evil? According to Epicurus (and many others), I must admit that God is malevolent. A God who is love would not allow evil, pain, suffering, destruction, etc. Period. End of discussion. My options seem to be - admit that God cannot truly be love, or that my faith makes no sense - it is not logical - and I must therefore be a fool. Perhaps I am only a blind, unquestioning follower of Sunday-school rhetoric passed down to me by people who are also unable to answer this.

If you believe this way, then everything I will say from this point on may be considered foolish.

BUT - I believe in something which this set of Epicurean questions does not account for. They do not account for this because of the very nature of the questions themselves. Epicurus seemed to believe that logic is the end-all, be-all. The problem I have with this line of thinking is that it assumes to impose my (or any human) limits on God.

Origin of Evil
See, I believe in God the creator of everything. The reason I am here today is because God has granted me life. The "Origin of Evil" question must go immediately from this point to begin asking about a good God - creator of everything - and how this must mean He created evil, and is therefore not truly good.
Instead of going immediately from "I believe God created everything" to "the origin of evil" - I'd like to think a little longer about what else is true of "God creating everything."

If God created everything - which I believe He did - then my mind was created. My ability to think, reason, deduce, assume, whatever else are all a part of the creation of my mind. My abilities to use logic, to follow evidence, to come to a conclusion, were given to me by the creator of my mind. My mind, however, was created with limits. I understand THAT my mind has limits, but I cannot even truly understand exactly WHAT the limits are. Using math as an example: I understand that I cannot truly comprehend infinity. Conceptually, maybe, I get it. But I am unable to go beyond that, because infinity itself is a limit which my mind cannot comprehend. This is true because I have a beginning and an end.
Now - I know this to be true. So, when considering infinity I must underscore EVERYTHING I think about it with the fact that I cannot truly know it.

If this is true of mathematical infinity - then how much truer is it of the creator? If I understand that my mind has limits - I understand that there are concepts and ideas which are beyond the limits of my understanding - then I must understand that those limits were established by the creator of my mind. I must also understand then that the creator of MY limits is not bound by them.

Back to the mathematical example: I understand that Pi goes on forever - infinity - even though I don't understand infinity. Pi does not end simply because I don't have the capacity to understand infinity.
Another example a little closer to the issue is creation itself. Obviously this is not agreed upon by everyone. But I believe in a God who created everything from nothing. I don't understand it. That is beyond the limits of my mind. I cannot really comprehend "everything coming from nothing."

Logic - logical thought - is a part of my mind. I use logic to process information and understand the way things really are. I understand, however, that logic itself falls within the limits of my mind. The creator of my limits, though, cannot be bound by those limits. That's it! That is - as I see it - where Epicurean followers and I must part philosophical and theological ways.
Epicurus would have the creator bound by the limits of his own creation. Epicurus says that
IF God created everything and IF God is able and willing to end evil BUT He hasn't then the ONLY LOGICAL EXPLANATIONS are that He is either not truly a loving God, or He is not really God at all.

Choosing not to place God - the creator of my own mental limits - inside them, I believe that God IS Love, AND that He is willing and able - and will one day end all evil. It is not an "either/or" thing for me. God is not bound by His creations' processes of logic and their outcomes.

So where does that leave us?
As I've already said - it leaves me to be considered a fool.

The next issue might be that I also believe in the Bible. "Believe in the bile" is too simple a statement though. What I meant is that I believe the Bible to be God's Word. Every single part of it, from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelations. This means that everything revealed about God in the Bible is true. And what is revealed in the Bible about God is A LOT! The bible does not shy away from the difficult things and the things that - again - I don't understand. The bible reveals plenty of paradox. The bible says that God IS Love (1 John 4:8). The bible says that God's will is that nobody should perish (2 Peter 3:9). The bible also makes it clear that there WILL be those who perish and suffer the wrath of God (Matthew 25:46). The bible doesn't attempt to explain HOW God wills that none perish AND that some will perish. (At this point LOGIC would say that God must not truly be omnipotent then - "God wills something that won't happen!")
The bible also says that God's thoughts and ways are not my thoughts and ways - but that they are, in fact higher than mine! (Isaiah 55:8-9), and they are right(Hosea 14:9). And, as it relates to the problem of evil and suffering, the bible - ALL OF IT - points to the great defeat of it all in Jesus Christ. Everything from beginning to end points to Jesus - the God of heaven - the Son and God and Son of Man - the Word who was with God and WAS GOD!
The "whys" and "how's" of the origin of evil, the origin of Satan and his power, are dealt with in the end. Not according to anything I understand, but according to God's purposes in Jesus.

The God of the Bible owes me nothing. He does not have to explain his ways to me - the created. I understand the truths found in the bible, but I don't pretend to KNOW EVERYTHING about God and his ways. I am content with the understanding that "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law" (Deuteronomy 29:29).

One other choice is to say that there are ELEMENTS of the Bible, or God, or whatever else - that are true, but not all of them. One would ask, "Is it wrong to choose the good things from the bible and reject the bad? Doesn't a responsible person use the intelligence given to them to choose wisely?"
The answer is yes, one may choose which elements of the bible and God they would like to believe in.
What happens at that point, however, is the person making the choices is picking and choosing a god of their own liking. A person who decides to take "good" things and reject "bad" things from the bible is making their own theology. There is no way around this.

A person who chooses to believe the entire bible - even the things which cannot be explained according to logic - is choosing a theology. It is the theology of the God of the bible.
A person who chooses to subscribe to certain pieces of the bible and reject others is choosing a theology of their own. This person is looking for a god who will ultimately answer to them. The burden to show that this is not the case rests on the one who does these things.

So - - to sum up: I believe in the God of the Bible, the God who created everything. This God is not bound by anything at all, which includes my logic. I believe it is possible for to things to make absolutely no sense - according to logical deductions - and still be the truth of a God who is not bound by logic. We'll call this faith.
God does not have to explain to me HOW He goes about choosing to glorify Himself. I believe that He IS and forever more WILL BE glorified and exalted (Psalm 46:10). I believe that somehow He has chosen a way - a way which will bring HIM the most glory - to end evil. And I believe it is all through Jesus Christ.

When Paul was asked to explain his faith to the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers in Athens, he began by speaking of the creator (Acts 17:16-34). This is the beginning of everything, and it MUST be agreed upon that the creator cannot be bound by the limits of what his hands have made. "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else." (Acts 17:24-25)

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Chapter

A few weeks ago I posted a status on facebook that indicated I was excited to begin a new chapter in my life. A few of you have asked for clarification and I have, until now, been very slow to reply. I am sorry for that. (One thing I didn’t realize was that my “new chapter” affords me MUCH less facebook and blog-writing time!)

So, anyhow, my “new chapter” is a new job. After 3 years of working at the Chamber of Commerce I have entered full time ministry – sort of. It’s pretty weird, but that is what I’m telling people. I have entered the full time ministry, by way of taking a position as office manager for a roofing company. I will now explain:

Sara’s (my wife) parents (Tony & Rebecca Archer) are full time missionaries. They spend more time in other countries than they do in America. I consider them Lawton Vineyard Missions Pastors when they ARE home. Most of the work they’ve done (thus far) has been in Peru and Mexico. They do a number of things and work with a lot of different people. One “main” thing they do is children’s ministry stuff. A big focus of their work is on children’s ministry. They create material, teach teachers, lead workshops, publish books – all kinds of stuff. Another function they serve is – get this – to be a blessing to people. Sounds simple, right? It’s really incredible though. They constantly ask God to show them ways they can serve other people, or be a blessing in WHATEVER way God would have them to. And I can tell you without a doubt God is honoring that. The gospel of Jesus Christ is being heard by people because of their (& others) efforts.

You can find out more – and I encourage you to do so – at or their facebook page,!/pages/Arrow-International-Ministry-Inc/86495186122

The organization they work under is called Arrow International Ministry (AIM, or just Arrow).

OK. Back to it.

Rebecca’s father, Sara’s grandfather, Arnold, is the CEO of Arrow. In addition to that role, Arnold is also the owner of a roofing company, Craftsman Home Improvements.

As Tony & Rebecca’s pastor, I was invited to go with them to Peru at the beginning of April. I got to meet some of the folks they work with, and see some of the things God is doing in, with, and through them. I was there for 3 days; they were there for the whole month plus a little. After coming home, Sara and I met with Arnold to give him an update, report, share, whatever you call it. I expressed how amazing it was to be there. God is really doing some incredible stuff in Peru. King Jesus is on the move! I probably indicated that I would love to go again.

Then it happened! My world changed. Arnold asked me to work for him.

He explained what I sort of had an inkling of already. What he said, more or less, is that the roofing company exists to ensure that Arrow is funded. There’s more to it than that but, break it down as far as you can and the bottom line will look that way. The top two priorities, as Arnold sees them are: 1- to ensure that Arrow has what it needs to continue serving and blessing people, and 2- to ensure that his roofing guys get their paychecks. If those two objectives are met, he’s happy.
Arnold asked what it would take to get me to work for him. So I told him what I made at the Chamber and said that Sara and I also have health coverage through that. Then, without so much as batting his eye, he said that would be no problem. He said more than that actually but, suffice it to say that I understood that my pay would not decrease if I were to come work for him.

Soooo…. After prayer and fasting, I accepted his offer, turned in my notice at the Chamber and, on April 26th, I began my “new chapter.”

I am now serving in a full-time ministry position via a roofing company. It is SO fun. I am really loving this new job. The job itself is wonderful. And I am really happy to be able to take a part in what happens with Arrow, and through that, participate in new ways in the Kingdom of God! I may be going to Mexico and Peru on more trips, and possibly even bringing my family with me sometimes, which is REALLY exciting for me. I am (very slowly) learning Spanish. And I can honestly say that I’ve seen with my own eyes, and experienced first-hand how incredible God is. Our God is an awesome God! It is so exciting to be in the service of the King of Kings!

There is probably more I could say, but I’ll end it here. I hope this is a good explanation for my cryptic “new chapter” message a few weeks ago!

No I won’t. One more thing:

I don’t know why, but I just want to encourage anyone who reads this. “Christian” or not. “Follower of Jesus” or not. The encouragement is this. God loves you. There is absolutely nothing you can do about that fact. You are so very precious to him. From the moment you drew your first breath until the moment you stop, God loves you. When there is pain, sorrow, hate, darkness, coldness, joy, happiness, peace, whatever – God loves you. Even if you don’t love him. Even if you hate him. Even if – to you – he doesn’t exist. Today – right now – God loves you.

It’s been on my heart and in my mind lately, that there have been plenty of times when my life, the living out of my Christian life, has probably turned people off from ever wanting to know Jesus. There could be no greater regret for me. None. So I want to live the rest of my life in such a way that I express the love of Jesus to everyone in a way that actually makes people want to know Him. Jesus is worth getting to know. He IS the ONLY source of fulfillment in an otherwise empty existence.

(((Ok – so, a little proof-reading before putting this up has me convinced that this was a very strange ending. Oh well. )))

That is all.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

He'll take care of the rest!

I really wish I could have gone to some of these concerts!

"Do your best, pray that it's blessed, and He'll take care of the rest!" - Keith Green

I continue to steal things

Stolen from gospeldrivenchurch blog.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Living in the Kingdom

John 8:29 And he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him.” 30 As he was saying these things, many believed in him.

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 33 They answered him, “We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, ‘You will become free’?”

34 Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

I have been in John 7 & 8 for the last week or so. There is a whole bunch of solid stuff here.

Something really caught my attention the other day here in this particular passage. Verses 32 & 36 are great, quotable verses, aren't they? We love them! And they ARE true and wonderful. But to understand 32 & 36 more fully, or maybe even just in a different way, it is good to go back to verse 29 and read through it all.

What caught my attention and made me pause is verse 31. I'm sure I've read this whole passage many many times before and missed verse 31. Jesus - after "gaining" more disciples - turns his attention to them and the ensuing conversation turns a bunch of those disciples (maybe all of them) away from him.

The point of contention here, I think, is their IDENTITY.

This might be a timely topic considering the much-discussed health care bill that just passed. Maybe not. I'm just thinking out loud here (actually, not out loud, but whatever).

See, Jesus is talking to the people who believe in Him when He says, "If you abide in my word, you're my disciples." He's talking to his followers. And they don't like what he says because they 1. didn't pay attention to the 'abide in my word' part and 2. cared more about their identity as children of Abraham than their identity as followers of Jesus.

As I said, I've been reading / re-reading this particular portion of John since before the health care bill passed and this caught my eye. I thought to myself, "I want to abide in Jesus' word and know His truth more than anything else. My identity as ________ (ANYTHING) is nothing at all if I'm not found abiding in Jesus and His word!"

Now, today, this seems even more important. So, what I'm about to say may come across wrong, but I'm going to risk it anyhow.

I don't want my identity as an American living in a good democracy to be more important to me than abiding in Jesus.

PLEEEEAAASE don't get me wrong on these few things: 1. I am opposed to the U.S. (or any other) government running too much of my life. 2. I do NOT think that debating / speaking out for(or)against any issue is necessary wrong or un-Christian. 3. I love living in America and would reeeeeally prefer our government to remain a "good" democracy!

Having said those things though, I really want my life to reflect the beliefs I hold most important - namely that I am a child LIVING in a KINGDOM. The Kingdom of God. That's it. That's most important.

The Kingdom of God is not a democracy, it's a monarchy. There is only one King and He reigns over the ENTIRE world and all the governments in it. Right now - today - Jesus is my KING and Obama is my president. In the future, Jesus will be my King and I will have another president. In the past, Jesus has been my King and other men have been my president. Are you catching the common factor in this?


I want to abide in Jesus. I want to be a disciple of Jesus who abides in His word and knows the truth that sets me free from my sin. I want to care more about my identity as a child of God more than any other identities I may have.

I am probably leaving this post too early. I probably have more to say, but I think I ought to be done for now.

That is all.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I love me some me!!!

I love me some me! This is a quote from a pro-football player.

This is a also a really easy target for most of us. We think it's ridiculous when this guy says and does the things he says and does - because he is absolutely all about self-glorification.

But really, isn't he just like an "over-the-top" version of me? Isn't he just a sinner - in the spotlight, granted - being a selfish sinner? Isn't he just being honest about what we all act like at times? Well, maybe not all of us - but definitely me!

Del Tackett has a blog with a good post related to this. See below.

Truth Observed

Anyhow. ...I might be way off on this one.

That is all.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Did you catch that?

One thing that I've come to appreciate more and more lately is a deeper understanding of the Bible as "being alive." The Living Word of God! What strikes me is the way the same passage can be read over and over and over again - and still speak new things!
Not that it's a new concept to me, just that it's been on my mind a lot lately.

(2 off-point rabbit trails here):
Eugene Peterson talks about "Turning Eyes into Ears" in Working the Angles. That's part of it too. I've really been praying lately as I read that God would SPEAK, or maybe, more accurately, that I would LISTEN. That the time I spend reading is not simply reading- but listening. For many great men and women of God, this is a well-known, well-practiced thing.

Another thing is - other "books" (because the bible is a written "book") - even really great, time-tested, world renowned books - don't have this quality (if that's the right word). Maybe you can read and re-read War & Peace, or Les Miserables and see something different in it many times. But it still pales in comparison to the Bible.

OK. No more rabbit trails. Here's what made me want to write this morning:

I am reading John (the gospel of). I've been reading it for a while now. I'll read through each chapter a couple of times as I make my way through it - even re-reading sections and portions several times before moving on to the next chapter. Then, when I get to the end of the book, I go back to the beginning and do it again.

This morning, after reading John 6 last night, I read it again. The first two sections of John 6 are the recording of two different miracles that Jesus performed. (Three different signs, actually; two well known signs, and one that is overlooked all the time.) First, Jesus takes a boy's five loaves and two fish and uses it to feed over 5,000 people. And the next section tells about the disciples being 3 or 4 miles out on the water in a storm when Jesus comes walking ON the water. (The third, less well-known miracle is that once Jesus is on the boat, it says they were immediately to the land where they were going John 6:21 Then they were glad to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.)

OK - so that's the setting, or background for what caught my attention this morning.

The next section tells of the people WHO HAD EATEN the bread and fish (keep that in mind) - crossing the sea to find Jesus. And once they do, they strike up a conversation. And what do they ask Jesus? -John 6:30 So they said to him, “Then what sign do you do, that we may see and believe you? What work do you perform?

And as if that question isn't a hard enough slap in the face, they continue... 31 Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’”

These people who - - - 1 day prior !!!! - - - ate the food that Jesus fed them, have the nerve to ask him for a sign to prove himself. Not only that, but they talk about their fathers EATING a MIRACULOUS food!!!! NOT only that either!!! - - they then quote scripture to JESUS!!!

I read all of this today and thought to myself, "Wow! ...those people"

Then I thought about how, if I'm honest, I would have been one of those people. I think this because I AM one of those people.

How many times have I seen - beyond any doubt - Jesus work a miracle? How many times in my own life have I tasted the goodness of Jesus' miracles? And how many times do I still ask him for some sort of sign before I'll trust him to be who he says he is?

This got kind of long, and I didn't mean for it to. I was just convicted by something "new" that God spoke to me this morning while reading a passage that I've read many times before.

Isn't that amazing? God is good!

That is all.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Two-fisted gospel (Jared Wilson's blog)

This is just a small part of a good post on the gospel-driven church blog, by Jared Wilson. Go check the whole thing out.

Our world is at war. There is no square inch of this world which isn't claimed by God and counter-claimed by Satan.
The gospel is good news to those who are perishing, but it is foolishness to them too, so we must not lose heart or lose hope or lose our nerve.

Jesus is King, now and forever. The work of the kingdom will lay waste to the gates of hell, but if you are neither speaking Jesus nor being Jesus, you will be part of the detritus left behind.

Thanks Jared.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

From: To:

I've been thinking lately, as I read and re-read John, about the "sin nature" with which we are born. We've been doing a basic doctrine series at church, and this is one of those basic things we believe. No Pelagianism here! - - (Sorry. I'm in a church history class and only recently learned about Augustine and the Pelagian heresy.)

This morning I read John 5, and I had to stop and meditate on verse 24:

John 5:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.

All I'm saying in this post is "here it is again!"

It's the idea that Christ didn't come to condemn the world, but to save it (John 3:17). He didn't come to do what was already done - condemnation; he came to do what we are incapable of doing - salvation.

I know people who believe in the idea that when all is said and done, God will judge them based on good works; based on whether or not they were a "good person." Some of these people even think they're Christians.

This idea is essentially saying that there is some sort of neutral state in which we exist, and our deeds are weighed out in the afterlife. Good deeds = +1, Bad deeds = -1. If your sum total is positive, then congratulations! You get heaven!!

But Jesus clearly teaches that he came to seek and save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). We were already lost. There is no one who is "found" apart from Jesus. He came to transform that which was dead into life. He came to rescue and deliver us from the domain of darkness into His Kingdom! (Col. 1:13)

So - - the way to consider judgement is not whether your "good deeds" outnumber or outweigh the "bad deeds" (by the way, there are thousands of other serious theological problems with this line of thinking), but will you die a dead/lost/condemned man or woman? Will you die as one who was never delivered from death? Will you end this life having never been ransomed from the domain of darkness? That's it! There are no good and bad deeds to be placed on the scale at the entrance to heaven. It is only Jesus. And you will either know Him as Savior, or you won't.

Again - nothing ground breaking here. Just wanted to write it out.

That is all.

Friday, March 5, 2010

What church do they go to?

I'm a pastor of a small church - the Lawton Vineyard Christian Fellowship. I pray for the folks in the church a lot.

Anyhow, I've been thinking lately - imagining really - what people might say about someone who goes to my church. Or what might people say about me to the people who go to my church?

What I find myself asking myself (is that the correct way to say that?) is would the person I'm speaking to know that the person who goes to my church is a follower of Jesus?

Example imaginary conversation:

Tom goes to my church. Sally works with Tom and Sally and I know each other from our kid's soccer games. I run into Sally at the grocery store.

Sally: "Yeah, I know Tom. I work with him. Tom's a great guy - really loves Jesus."

Me: "I know Tom too. He actually goes to my church."

Sally: "Huh. ...You know what? I don't actually know where Tom goes to church. Where does he go?"

It's a silly example maybe, but that's what I keep thinking about. I really want to people who live, work, and play among the Lawton Vineyard folks to know them as people who love Jesus.

I want people who might know me, but not know that I pastor a church (I also work an 8-5 Monday thru Friday job), to consider me a good follower of Jesus. I want my life to be one of love and devotion to Jesus and love for everyone else.

I guess what I'm saying is that it wouldn't bother me at all if people don't know where I go to church as long as they know I love Jesus. And that's true of the people I pastor too.

Quite a ramble, eh?! Oh well. That is all for now.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Savior of the world

John 4:39 Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, “He told me all that I ever did.”

40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days.

41 And many more believed because of his word.

42 They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”

It’s good, I think, to believe in Jesus based on the testimony of other people. To hear about the ways Jesus has changed other people’s lives is good. However! - - It’s totally different from meeting Jesus for yourself. It’s totally different from hearing from Jesus for yourself.

See – when these folks heard what the woman had to say about Jesus, they were astonished and believed. “Come check it out! This guy knows everything I’ve ever done! This has got to be the long-promised deliverer. The one we’ve been waiting for! For real!!!”

Who wouldn’t be drawn to that? Who wouldn’t want to investigate?

BUT - - when they actually met Jesus, that’s when they believed for themselves! Jesus stayed with them for two days, and then they knew for themselves. When they heard his word! That’s the key!

Hearing Jesus’ word for yourself - - absolutely life changing. Then it’s not about what other people have said, it’s about what the Savior of the world has said to you personally!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

God controls the traffic lights

So - - I drive an old car. This old car I drive has very spongy breaks. When I am driving 35mph and approach a traffic light, I find myself praying. Go figure! Bad breaks make me pray!

But here's a scenario I face a lot when driving this old car: I approach a green light. I am far enough away that I'm not sure if it will stay green, or turn yellow then red before I get to it. There have been a few instances of the timing being just so that the light turns yellow and I must either come quickly to a stop, or I will run a red light. I have to slam on my spongy breaks. They lock and the tires squeal and smoke a little. Maybe for a lot of people this is no problem. Maybe some people would just run the red light (I am sure that this is true of many many many people in Lawton, OK). But for me it's nerve racking.

So, I find myself praying as I approach traffic lights now. And you know what? I also find myself thanking and praising God every time the light either stays green as I drive under it, or when it turns red in time for me to slowly stop. Isn't that weird?

I know a guy who would probably read this post and take issue with me thanking God, or maybe even for thinking of Him at all, when talking about traffic lights. This guy has suffered a lot of really crappy things in his life. Serious things. BAD things. He prayed that a lot of these things would not happen, or that they would be reversed. GOD, however, allowed these things to happen anyhow. So the problem then becomes, that I am arrogant enough to think that God would give two rips about an insignificant traffic light when He obviously didn't "care" enough to listen to his prayers and cries of anguish (I can practically hear this guy saying this).

But... I still find myself thanking God when my brakes don't lock up and smoke and worry me at the traffic lights. Because you know what? - God IS in control of everything. Even the "insignificant" minutiae of daily life. And, while any answers I might give would do no good at all to the bitter friend who has - legitimately has - endured things that I can't imagine, I still praise God for being in control of traffic lights.

That is all.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Why do you say He is King?

John 18:33 So Pilate entered his headquarters again and called Jesus and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” 34 Jesus answered, “Do you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?”

It’s a good question Jesus asks isn’t it?

Do I call Jesus King of my own accord – IS he MY King, or do I know that other people give him that title and follow suit?

Friday, February 12, 2010

The GLORY of Jesus

John 17:24 Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.

What an interesting prayer Jesus prayed for us in John 17. It's worth reading and re-reading many times.

What caught my attention this morning is this verse. See, I've been really meditating the last several weeks on "being satisfied in Jesus." John Piper's Desiring God tagline is - God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. There is a Tenth Avenue North song called Satisfy, and an Ascend the Hill song called Spend It All, and I've had these songs stuck in my head, on and off, for a while now too.
Anyhow, I've really just been thinking about this. I find myself praying that God would make me satisfied in Him alone. I want to be living a life that says, "Even if EVERYTHING else in my life were taken from me, I would still be completely satisfied and full of joy - all the time - because I have Jesus."

And this morning the above mentioned verse hit me between the eyes. (The last couple of days I've been in John 16 where Jesus tells the guys "You'll see me again and then have a joy that no one can take away" (my paraphrase of John 16:22).)

What really got me here is that Jesus, whose love for me is greater than anything else, wants me to be able to see His glory. His love for me doesn't cause Him to pray that I would be able to pay my bills, or have a good car, or health, or clothes, or anything else. He wants me to see His glory! So I have to believe that if THAT'S His prayer for me, then - - duh! - - THAT'S what will MOST satisfy me! How great is that?!

I know I'm not breaking new ground here. Many smart people have already learned this for themselves and shared it with others. It is simply what I read this morning, and I wanted to get these thoughts down before forgetting them.

I am just really excited about the satisfaction - all surpassing satisfaction - of knowing Jesus and seeing His glory! Praise Him!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

C.S. Lewis & John Piper

Listening to a nice talk by John Piper about why C.S. Lewis has been so influential in his life. It's on the Resurgence site - Check it out.

C.S. Lewis sure was a smart guy.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kingdom-centered prayer

I just read a nice little post on "Kingdom-centered prayer." Read it here. Very nice.

A reminder that in our praying, we ought to seek the face and the glory of our God.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Little verses - Big stuff

Pslam 4:4 Be angry, and do not sin;ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Selah
5 Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the Lord.

6 There are many who say, “Who will show us some good?
Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Lord!”
7 You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.

8 In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

This is one reason why I love the Psalms. There is SOOOO much packed in to these 4 little verses. There are sermons (more than one) packed into each of them.

At the end of the day though, verse 8 here makes for a really good prayer. Especially that "you alone" part. It ties in to Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" devotion for this morning.

Here is a taste "O believer, learn to reject pride, seeing that thou hast no ground for it. Whatever thou art, thou hast nothing to make thee proud. The more thou hast, the more thou art in debt to God; and thou shouldst not be proud of that which renders thee a debtor." —CH Spurgeon Morning and Evening

It might seem like a loose tie-in there, but I see my security, my safety, my EVERYTHING as a gift from God alone!

God is good!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sing and Rejoice and Be Silent

Zech. 2:10 Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for behold, I come and I will dwell in your midst, declares the Lord. 11 And many nations shall join themselves to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people. And I will dwell in your midst, and you shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. 12 And the Lord will inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land, and will again choose Jerusalem.”

13 Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord, for he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.

I read some Zechariah this morning. I really like this passage here for a couple of reasons.

1 - I love that the Lord tells us to Sing and rejoice! I don't know why, but there's something so exciting to me that God wants us to sing and rejoice. It is a natural reaction when a sinner and dead man is forgiven and granted new life. You can't help but to be happy! But - just in case, God tells us to react to his presence with singing and rejoicing.

I just keep picturing a little kid full of excitement after getting something really great from someone who is really prim and proper and old. It's like the kid's automatic response is to get big-eyed, and smile, and jump up and down. But, then immediately sort of restrain those reactions for the sake of being proper in the presence of the gift giver. That's us sometimes right? It is me.
But here - God says, "No, don't restrain that reaction!" "Jump for joy! Sing, dance!" It's just awesome.

2 - I also, for whatever reason, really enjoy knowing that the promise made here in this passage is a promise of something to come in the future - and I will dwell in your midst, declares the Lord. BUT it's our present day reality! God DID come! God does dwell in our midst! Jesus broke into our reality and ushered in the Kingdom of God thus fulfilling this great eschatological hope! And we have the awesome awesome awesome experience of God in our midst - Thank you God!!!!

3 - I love that we are told to be silent before the Lord who has roused himself!

See, we are told to do singing and rejoicing AND silence! And that's cool to me. It means that there are times for us to be exuberant before the Lord with singing and rejoicing AND there are time for us to be silent and reverent before the Almighty God! There absolutely are times when all you can do before the Lord is to be still and in awe of who He is. Silence, tears, outstretched arms, bowing, etc...

Encountering the God of the Universe means more than one thing.
It's not JUST singing and rejoicing. And it's not JUST quiet reverence.

Some Christians act that way though, don't they?
"If you're not dancing and clapping and smiling, then there's something wrong. You must not really be connecting with God here!"
And then there are Christians on the other end of the spectrum. - "If you're doing all that whooping and hollering, you're just being a distraction and a fanatical crazy person!"

Anyhow, God is so good!

And - just in case it needs to be said - so is His church. We sure can get things mixed up sometimes, but Jesus really really loves us! So I'm not church bashing. I'm simply pointing out a passage that I read this morning that really caught my attention.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Satisfy me, Lord!

Read a couple of Psalms this morning and came across these gems:

16:5 The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold my lot.
17:15 As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness;
when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness.

What a great prayer!

First: the Lord is my portion! Not just is He my portion - He is MY CHOSEN portion. There are plenty of "portion" choices. Especially for us who live in America. PLENTY! But, forsaking all other possible "portions", I CHOOSE God! He is my portion. Not money, not food, not women (or the lust thereafter), not anything else! May God alone be my portion!

Secondly: I shall be satisfied with your likeness! What a thing to say. What a tremendous satisfaction is Jesus!

May I be satisfied in Jesus and seeing His face!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jesus - light of the world

John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 19 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, est his works should be exposed. 21 But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”

I read this passage this morning (actually, as mentioned below, I've been in John for a few weeks now), and I've been meditating on it since then.

A couple of things hit me here.

- The world stands condemned apart from Jesus. From the first sin on to the end of our lives condemnation is upon us. The bible says that we are born into sin (Rom. 5:12-14). Jesus said that anyone who sins is a slave to sin (John 8:34).

We don't receive condemnation as a result of anything other than being born into sin. Being a sinner. Being us.

So of course God didn't send the Son to condemn the world. Of course the world already stands condemned.

It is for His glory, and by His great mercy that He sent the Son to save the already condemned world!!! Hallelujah!

There's more too, but I'll have to do the rest later.

Peace out.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More of the same, only different

Haggai 2:4 Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, declares the Lord. Be strong, O Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people of the land, declares the Lord. Work, for I am with you, declares the Lord of hosts, 5 according to the covenant that I made with you when you came out of Egypt. My Spirit remains in your midst. Fear not.

In addition to reading in John a lot, I've also slowly been going through the minor prophets.

So I was in John 6 yesterday and Haggai this morning.

Haggai talks about God's covenant to restore his people. He tells them to get busy building his house because the time is coming for them to enjoy his presence in a real special way again! In this short prophetic book - we also see that a part of this is the promise to Zerubbabel that the line of David is still important to God. God says that kingdoms will be shaken and overthrown!

It all points to Jesus! God's presence - in a really really special way - with His people!!!!

And Jesus says that none who come to Him will be turned away.

God's desire is for us to be with Him. That is enough to baffle me. God WANTS me to be with Him. He wants me. And the promise is that I won't be turned away!

And it's all for His glory.

The people of God - living in and enjoying Him, and His presence with us - gives Him glory!!!! That's nuts!

Praise Him! Praise Jesus!

Monday, January 11, 2010

John 6

Book: John.
Chapters: 4 - 6.

Wow! A lot to chew on. I've been here for the last several weeks. It is awesome.

One of today's "wow!" moments is 6:37 - - Everyone whom the Father gives me will come to me, and the one who comes to me I will never send away.

This covers a couple different things for me.

One is that Jesus makes it pretty clear that people only come to Him if they've been drawn there by God. This is enough to think about for a long time.

The other this is that Jesus says that no one will be turned away! NEVER! There are a lot of people who I would turn away if they came to me. I am definitely a person who I would turn away. But not Jesus. He's so UN-like me in this regard! And I am so very grateful. Eternally grateful!

Thank You Jesus.