Wednesday, March 3, 2010

God controls the traffic lights

So - - I drive an old car. This old car I drive has very spongy breaks. When I am driving 35mph and approach a traffic light, I find myself praying. Go figure! Bad breaks make me pray!

But here's a scenario I face a lot when driving this old car: I approach a green light. I am far enough away that I'm not sure if it will stay green, or turn yellow then red before I get to it. There have been a few instances of the timing being just so that the light turns yellow and I must either come quickly to a stop, or I will run a red light. I have to slam on my spongy breaks. They lock and the tires squeal and smoke a little. Maybe for a lot of people this is no problem. Maybe some people would just run the red light (I am sure that this is true of many many many people in Lawton, OK). But for me it's nerve racking.

So, I find myself praying as I approach traffic lights now. And you know what? I also find myself thanking and praising God every time the light either stays green as I drive under it, or when it turns red in time for me to slowly stop. Isn't that weird?

I know a guy who would probably read this post and take issue with me thanking God, or maybe even for thinking of Him at all, when talking about traffic lights. This guy has suffered a lot of really crappy things in his life. Serious things. BAD things. He prayed that a lot of these things would not happen, or that they would be reversed. GOD, however, allowed these things to happen anyhow. So the problem then becomes, that I am arrogant enough to think that God would give two rips about an insignificant traffic light when He obviously didn't "care" enough to listen to his prayers and cries of anguish (I can practically hear this guy saying this).

But... I still find myself thanking God when my brakes don't lock up and smoke and worry me at the traffic lights. Because you know what? - God IS in control of everything. Even the "insignificant" minutiae of daily life. And, while any answers I might give would do no good at all to the bitter friend who has - legitimately has - endured things that I can't imagine, I still praise God for being in control of traffic lights.

That is all.

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