Monday, August 25, 2008

Can't get enough of that Bible!

So, the other day I was reading the bible and a couple of verses resonated with me. When that happens, I will usually write them (or it) on a dry erase board in our kitchen. Then, throughout the day(s), my wife and I can read those verses. So here's what is currently on the board in my kitchen:

Psalm 112:1 Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.

Proverbs 22:17 Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach, 18 for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips.

And, I'm thinking to myself when I read these things, "yeah. that's right. It's important to delight in God's commands. It's important to pay attention to the 'sayings of the wise' and apply my heart to what I'm taught." In other words, READING and STUDYING the Bible. That's important!

I've really been excitedly reading different "theology" books. And I keep getting more and more of them too. It's really been cool. But, through whatever has been going on in that regard, I have still maintained that reading the Bible is needed more than books on healing, or evangelism, or pastoring or any other kind of book. And having that drive to make the Bible a priority hasn't in any way slowed down my book reading. I'm doing both more. AND God has really been using that time alone with Him in His word to change my heart and my life. A lot.

Then, I checked out Jared Wilson's gospel driven church blog and, from there, read another blog post by Brian Jones, who is no longer blogging. The particular post that Jared had linked to was Brian Jones' belief that Christians spend Too much time reading the bible.

So after reading that, I felt compelled to post my own thoughts here.

Now, if anybody even reads THIS and, in turn reads THAT, you should know that I think Brian Jones has really just used a shocking title and idea to say something that does have some validity. The idea that ALL the Bible reading in the world doesn't do you any good IF there's absolutely nothing else in your life to compliment what you're reading. That's valid.

No love of God, no love of neighbor, no prayer, no righteousness - but tons of Bible reading... no good. yes. That makes sense. And that's basically how Jones ends this post.

The "points" he tries to make and the way he communicates them, not so valid. In my opinion anyway. There is - what do you know - no scripture to back up his idea. (Luke 1:3-4 is used in the post to show that the gospel was transcribed back in those days...)

Basically he says that Christians ought to actually share Christ. Wow! That's true!

BUT, to make light in any way of how important it is to read and know God's word... AND to actually think that there are just a ton of Americans reading the bible in the first place... I just don't think so.

Anyhow... later.

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