Monday, August 4, 2008

AAAhhhh!!! I get it.

So, I've been thinking for some reason lately about what Jesus talked about in that famous Sermon on the Mount. Especially that part where he reveals that God cares about what's in your heart. Shocking, I know. God cares about your heart... crazy to think.

Not only are you guilty of murder if you actually commit the act of murder, but you're also guilty of it if you hate someone. Not only are you guilty of adultery if you actually commit adultery, but when you look at a woman (or a man) with lust in your heart, boom... guilty. Sorry all of you "you can look as long as you don't touch" people.

- As a side note - I really am deeply saddened with how little adultery matters today. Nobody seems to give a second (if even a first) thought to this particular sin. As a matter of fact, I know of people who will practice adultery, openly having an affair [which means having sex with people other than your spouse], with no concern whatsoever, unless the fact is pointed out.

"How dare you mention that! Don't you know I'm married! Saying crap like that could get me into a lot of trouble". I hear stories like this that come from a local bar, and I just want to scream. For crying out loud! If you don't want people to talk about your affair openly PERHAPS you might consider NOT having an affair openly!!! Or, maybe you should consider what it means to be faithful to the person you swore you’d be faithful to and not have an affair at all. Just an idea.

Anyhow, it bugs me. Almost selfishly I guess. When so many people consider marriage something to do on a weekend or whatever, as long as it is cool and as long as it's something that you want, then it would follow that a lot of people would consider MY marriage irrelevant. If someone doesn't consider marriage a serious thing, then my wife is considered free game. Right?

My wife out shopping-

Random guy: "Hey there girl, you're looking good!"

My wife: "Yeah, I'm married so.... leave!"

guy: "Hey, that's alright. That doesn't bother me..."

And on and on....

Ok. now I’ll make a transition.

So, like I said before ranting and raving, I've been thinking about what Jesus said.

Matthew 5: 28 - But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Oh Crap! that's me. As seen above, it bugs the life out of me to think about how "adulterous" we as a society are today. But according to God's standards I'm just as guilty as any "random guy" aren't I? Yes. If God sees the sinful act and the sinful heart which would perform that act as being equally guilty, then, I am (and I think the point of Jesus' saying this was that we all are) guilty.

And, I know this is getting long now, but I want to share WHAT it was that got me thinking about this because I think it's cool.

I have a 3 & 1/2 year old and a 2 year old. Both boys. It has been so amazing watching them grow up. And I noticed recently, or more accurately, started thinking recently, about how they call the things they want theirs. For the most part this applies to toys. But it can extend to anything they want.

Ben (my youngest) will see a toy car. He says, "there's my car" and then picks it up to play with it. It's "his" car. And Gabe (the older) is the same way. I think most kids are like that when they're young. And this carries over to the toys that are clearly not theirs.

When visiting cousins, my boys will call the toys there "theirs". "Oh, it's my _____". whatever. And, it's not like there's a big problem. When it's time to leave the cousins house and leave the toys there, or if they have to share the toys at home with each other, they do. No problem. No UNUSUAL problem I should say. They are still kids.

At any rate, recently my brain made some sort of weird connection between that child-like behavior, and what Jesus was talking about.

A child sees something they like or want and innocently claims it. As we grow up, we learn to restrain whatever it is that makes us "claim" things that aren't necessarily ours. But, the heart doesn't change, does it? Isn't that maybe what Jesus is talking about?

When I see a pretty woman, what's my heart reaction? Do I "claim" her, or say that I want her, in my heart? When I hate someone, am I not saying that I want them dead? Am I "claiming" in my heart that I desire them to be gone?

See, I think that one of the beautiful things about children is that they give us is insight, from an innocent perspective, into how we all behave. We know that children are innocent. So, when Ben takes Gabe’s toy car and says, “it’s mine”, we to tell Ben no. We are telling Ben that his behavior is not acceptable. But we see outwardly what Ben’s desires are. He wants the car. He says it’s his.

Man sees woman at bar / on TV / walking down the sidewalk / wherever and wants her. While he may not be a child and audibly say “she’s mine”, he says inwardly that she is his. That’s what Jesus was talking about there. God knows exactly what’s going on in my heart, regardless of whether I express it outwardly.

So what!? What do I do with this? How do I deal with my anger at “every other” man alive for being adulterous, when I am just as guilty?

I’ll tell you what. I ask God to forgive me. And I rejoice and celebrate, jumping up and down while clicking my heels together! and thank Him for forgiving me. Psalm 103:12 - as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. I ask Him to continue working on my heart so that I would not be so quick to judge everyone else and overlook the fact that my heart is just as in need of God’s grace and mercy as anyone’s.

Alright. I ought to be done for now.

See you later.

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