Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A good quote

Our central lie is in the discrepancy between the language of worship and the actions of worship. We confess “Jesus is Lord” but only submit to the part of Christ’s authority that fits our grand personal designs, doesn’t cause pain, doesn’t disrupt the American dream, doesn’t draw us across ethnic and racial divisions, doesn’t add the pressure of too much guilt, doesn’t mean forgiving as we have been forgiven, doesn’t ask for more than a check to show compassion. We “sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” expressing our desire to know Jesus, but the Jesus we want to know is the sanitized Jesus that looks a lot like us when we think we are at our best. Despite God’s Word to the contrary, we think we can say that we love God and yet hate our neighbor, neglect the widow, forget the orphan, fail to visit the prisoner, ignore the oppressed. Its the sign of disordered love. When we do this, our worship becomes a lie to God. -Mark Labberton

Stealing links and stuff

There is a really good link I saw on the gospel driven church blog. It's about Word-driven missions. You can check it out here.

It's, like I said, really good and has good comments too.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Can't get enough of that Bible!

So, the other day I was reading the bible and a couple of verses resonated with me. When that happens, I will usually write them (or it) on a dry erase board in our kitchen. Then, throughout the day(s), my wife and I can read those verses. So here's what is currently on the board in my kitchen:

Psalm 112:1 Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.

Proverbs 22:17 Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach, 18 for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips.

And, I'm thinking to myself when I read these things, "yeah. that's right. It's important to delight in God's commands. It's important to pay attention to the 'sayings of the wise' and apply my heart to what I'm taught." In other words, READING and STUDYING the Bible. That's important!

I've really been excitedly reading different "theology" books. And I keep getting more and more of them too. It's really been cool. But, through whatever has been going on in that regard, I have still maintained that reading the Bible is needed more than books on healing, or evangelism, or pastoring or any other kind of book. And having that drive to make the Bible a priority hasn't in any way slowed down my book reading. I'm doing both more. AND God has really been using that time alone with Him in His word to change my heart and my life. A lot.

Then, I checked out Jared Wilson's gospel driven church blog and, from there, read another blog post by Brian Jones, who is no longer blogging. The particular post that Jared had linked to was Brian Jones' belief that Christians spend Too much time reading the bible.

So after reading that, I felt compelled to post my own thoughts here.

Now, if anybody even reads THIS and, in turn reads THAT, you should know that I think Brian Jones has really just used a shocking title and idea to say something that does have some validity. The idea that ALL the Bible reading in the world doesn't do you any good IF there's absolutely nothing else in your life to compliment what you're reading. That's valid.

No love of God, no love of neighbor, no prayer, no righteousness - but tons of Bible reading... no good. yes. That makes sense. And that's basically how Jones ends this post.

The "points" he tries to make and the way he communicates them, not so valid. In my opinion anyway. There is - what do you know - no scripture to back up his idea. (Luke 1:3-4 is used in the post to show that the gospel was transcribed back in those days...)

Basically he says that Christians ought to actually share Christ. Wow! That's true!

BUT, to make light in any way of how important it is to read and know God's word... AND to actually think that there are just a ton of Americans reading the bible in the first place... I just don't think so.

Anyhow... later.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ray from the Jason Tompkins Band

Ray from Jason Tompins Band

This is from the Jason Tompkins Band myspace page. Please read.

Donations For Raymond!!

For those of you who haven't already heard, Raymond Chambers, our ex-drummer was in a motorcycle accident about two weeks ago and sustained some serious injuries.

Raymond was the drummer for the Jason Tompkins Band from 1997-2005. During that time he was a huge part of our ministry at Ft. Sill.

We are trying to collect donations for Ray and wife, Ashley, to help take care of the medical expenses, physical therapy, and everyday living, as Ray won't be able to return to work for several weeks.

All donations are appreciated and every little bit helps. Even if it's just reposting this on your profile!

Go to the JTB site to contact and/or donate.


Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm so stoked!!

I was able to get a few books this weekend that I am really excited about!!

1- a collection of Jonathan Edwards sermons. Hard back great shape, greater price.

2- Finding God by Larry Crabb

3 - The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

4 - Heretics by G.K. Chesterton

So, I'm pretty excited.

Now all I need to do is find a few spare years to read!

Friday, August 15, 2008

How awesome! How scary! How awesome!

Proverbs 15:11 Death and Destruction lie open before the LORD— how much more the hearts of men!

What a great verse. Death and Destruction lie open before the Lord! Death and Destruction are absolutely powerless before God. They cannot do ANYTHING whatsoever without permission. They are known by God. Completely.

How much more the hearts of men! Yikes! How I shudder at the things which I know God can see in my heart. And how glad I am, how I praise Him, how I just can't get over how great it is that He sees Jesus in my heart. God loves Jesus. God is pleased with Jesus. God sees the righteousness of Jesus in ME. Wow! Praise Him!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

3-in-1 (day)

OK. So I got a little carried away today.

No posts for a long time, then 3 in one day. Oh well. That's how I roll.

I just wanted to encourage anyone whose interested to go to Jared Wilson's blog at and check out his "subverting suburbia" piece. It's a good read.

Do you know Him?

I love this.

Proverbs 14

It's been several days since my last post. So, if for no other reason than to get on and post SOMETHING, I thought I'd share a couple of things from Proverbs 14, verses 8 & 35.

The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways,
but the folly of fools is deception.
35 A king delights in a wise servant,
but a shameful servant incurs his wrath.

I often think about how "being a Christian" means SERVING Christ. We are called to be servants, just like Jesus himself said that He came to serve, not to be served (Mat. 20:28).

So, I read Proverbs 14 this morning and, what do you know - there was some instruction on gaining wisdom and being a servant.

Giving thought to my ways is helpful if I want to be wise! Wow! Who'd of thunk? Making rash decisions and not giving thought can leave me deceived. Oh how many times I am guilty of that.
And, the last verse here makes it clear that God (THE King) doesn't just want servants. He wants wise servants. And, not only that, those who are servants can still incur his wrath. Yikes!

God, let me be your servant. Whatever that means. However you would have me serve. And, let me be a wise and delightful servant.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Awesome quote from GDC

"Mission begins with a kind of explosion of joy. The news that the rejected and crucified Jesus is alive is something that cannot possibly be suppressed. It must be told. Who could be silent about such a fact?

The mission of the Church in the pages of the New Testament is like the fallout from a vast explosion, a radioactive fallout which is not lethal but life-giving."

-- Lesslie Newbigin, The Gospel in a Pluralist Society

Thanks for that Jared.

Monday, August 4, 2008

AAAhhhh!!! I get it.

So, I've been thinking for some reason lately about what Jesus talked about in that famous Sermon on the Mount. Especially that part where he reveals that God cares about what's in your heart. Shocking, I know. God cares about your heart... crazy to think.

Not only are you guilty of murder if you actually commit the act of murder, but you're also guilty of it if you hate someone. Not only are you guilty of adultery if you actually commit adultery, but when you look at a woman (or a man) with lust in your heart, boom... guilty. Sorry all of you "you can look as long as you don't touch" people.

- As a side note - I really am deeply saddened with how little adultery matters today. Nobody seems to give a second (if even a first) thought to this particular sin. As a matter of fact, I know of people who will practice adultery, openly having an affair [which means having sex with people other than your spouse], with no concern whatsoever, unless the fact is pointed out.

"How dare you mention that! Don't you know I'm married! Saying crap like that could get me into a lot of trouble". I hear stories like this that come from a local bar, and I just want to scream. For crying out loud! If you don't want people to talk about your affair openly PERHAPS you might consider NOT having an affair openly!!! Or, maybe you should consider what it means to be faithful to the person you swore you’d be faithful to and not have an affair at all. Just an idea.

Anyhow, it bugs me. Almost selfishly I guess. When so many people consider marriage something to do on a weekend or whatever, as long as it is cool and as long as it's something that you want, then it would follow that a lot of people would consider MY marriage irrelevant. If someone doesn't consider marriage a serious thing, then my wife is considered free game. Right?

My wife out shopping-

Random guy: "Hey there girl, you're looking good!"

My wife: "Yeah, I'm married so.... leave!"

guy: "Hey, that's alright. That doesn't bother me..."

And on and on....

Ok. now I’ll make a transition.

So, like I said before ranting and raving, I've been thinking about what Jesus said.

Matthew 5: 28 - But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Oh Crap! that's me. As seen above, it bugs the life out of me to think about how "adulterous" we as a society are today. But according to God's standards I'm just as guilty as any "random guy" aren't I? Yes. If God sees the sinful act and the sinful heart which would perform that act as being equally guilty, then, I am (and I think the point of Jesus' saying this was that we all are) guilty.

And, I know this is getting long now, but I want to share WHAT it was that got me thinking about this because I think it's cool.

I have a 3 & 1/2 year old and a 2 year old. Both boys. It has been so amazing watching them grow up. And I noticed recently, or more accurately, started thinking recently, about how they call the things they want theirs. For the most part this applies to toys. But it can extend to anything they want.

Ben (my youngest) will see a toy car. He says, "there's my car" and then picks it up to play with it. It's "his" car. And Gabe (the older) is the same way. I think most kids are like that when they're young. And this carries over to the toys that are clearly not theirs.

When visiting cousins, my boys will call the toys there "theirs". "Oh, it's my _____". whatever. And, it's not like there's a big problem. When it's time to leave the cousins house and leave the toys there, or if they have to share the toys at home with each other, they do. No problem. No UNUSUAL problem I should say. They are still kids.

At any rate, recently my brain made some sort of weird connection between that child-like behavior, and what Jesus was talking about.

A child sees something they like or want and innocently claims it. As we grow up, we learn to restrain whatever it is that makes us "claim" things that aren't necessarily ours. But, the heart doesn't change, does it? Isn't that maybe what Jesus is talking about?

When I see a pretty woman, what's my heart reaction? Do I "claim" her, or say that I want her, in my heart? When I hate someone, am I not saying that I want them dead? Am I "claiming" in my heart that I desire them to be gone?

See, I think that one of the beautiful things about children is that they give us is insight, from an innocent perspective, into how we all behave. We know that children are innocent. So, when Ben takes Gabe’s toy car and says, “it’s mine”, we to tell Ben no. We are telling Ben that his behavior is not acceptable. But we see outwardly what Ben’s desires are. He wants the car. He says it’s his.

Man sees woman at bar / on TV / walking down the sidewalk / wherever and wants her. While he may not be a child and audibly say “she’s mine”, he says inwardly that she is his. That’s what Jesus was talking about there. God knows exactly what’s going on in my heart, regardless of whether I express it outwardly.

So what!? What do I do with this? How do I deal with my anger at “every other” man alive for being adulterous, when I am just as guilty?

I’ll tell you what. I ask God to forgive me. And I rejoice and celebrate, jumping up and down while clicking my heels together! and thank Him for forgiving me. Psalm 103:12 - as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. I ask Him to continue working on my heart so that I would not be so quick to judge everyone else and overlook the fact that my heart is just as in need of God’s grace and mercy as anyone’s.

Alright. I ought to be done for now.

See you later.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I know, right?

I don't get it.

Not only don't I get it, I can't stand it.

It's just a funny quirk of mine I suppose, but for some strange reason, "I know, right" bugs me.

Example: Me - It sure is hot outside today.
You - I know, right?!

My response is usually something like this: I don't know. Do you know? Are you asking me to verify whether or not you know that it's hot outside? Or did you tell me you agree it's hot outside, and also ask me something else that I missed?

Am I a loser?

A little background to this question / story, which I'll probably do a lot of. I'm something of a rambler, as my wife would tell you.

I check out this website just about every day. It's a nice site developed, in part, by Derek Webb. You can pay any price you want for the music on there, or "tell 3 friends" about it and get the music for free.

So, I was checking out the site to see what new music is on there (there's at least one new band / album just about every day), and I saw an EP by a group called JackoPierce. Immediately I was thrown into a nostalgic trip.

You see, JackoPierce would likely have no meaning whatsoever to me, had they not been a group that an old high school friend of mine listened to. But, I can still remember Roger's JP t-shirt. Roger turned me on to some VERY cool music, by the way. Thanks for that, should you ever read this Roger.

But, back to the nostalgic trip. I began thinking about high school. Everything about it. The friends, the good times, etc. I LOVED high school. Seriously. I really, really had a great time in high school.

I grew up in a small upstate NY town and went to school with essentially the same 80 or 90 kids in my class every year K-12. And, I was in the same First Baptist church 90-95% of every Sunday of my life, until I joined the Army and moved away. Those things combined gave me some truly awesome, life long friends. I really miss that town and those people when I think about them.

Now, I live in OK. I have an amazing life here. I have an incredibly awesome wife and a family of my own. I have made some really great friends here, and in the Army. I wouldn't trade what I have now for the world. Really, I wouldn't. So, in no way does my missing old friends and family back home belittle how much I love the people currently in my life. I'm just saying.

And that's the thing. "I'm just saying."

Sometimes I wonder if I am a. the only one (or, at least, one of a small few) who feels so fondly of "home" or b. just a weirdo loser.

Am I that guy? Am I the guy who still tells, and laughs at, old high school inside jokes when I do get together with my old friends? Yes I am.

Hopefully, this doesn't make me TOO much of a loser, if I am indeed a loser. And if, so... I guess I'll just have to live with it.

I just wonder about that sometimes. It seems like high schoolers always want to get away. I know this to be true. It was true of SO many of my class mates. It's pretty much a known thing. When you're in high school, you can't wait until graduation so you can get the _ _ _ _ _ _ out of "this place." But, I was really never like that. And you really never hear a lot about people who do want to go back home. There is that saying about how you can "never go back home", or something along those lines. That would indicate that I'm not completely alone here, but it just seems to me that more people want to get out (which would seem to be for a reason) than want to come back.

See. I'm rambling. I have no idea where to take this from here.

Oh well. Just thought I'd share.

bye bye.