Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hosea 7:13
Woe to them, for they have strayed from me!
Destruction to them, for they have rebelled against me!
I would redeem them,
but they speak lies against me.

The NIV says "I long to redeem them"

God's desire, from the instant we needed it, has been redemption. How incredible! How wonderful! How amazing is God's love for us.

Adam and Eve - IN God's presence - walking and talking with God in the garden still chose to sin.
And we're no different. Christians and non Christians alike. We've all CHOSEN sin. We all sin without thinking about it. We all sin inadvertently. And, when convicted of that sin, we (hopefully) repent and ask for mercy. But, there are always sins we CHOOSE to commit. Knowing God. Experiencing His greatness. Feeling the presence of His Spirit. And we still make the choice to sin.

And yet.... !!!!!

God's intention has always been to redeem us.

After sin entered creation, God told the deceiver - "he (talking about Jesus) will crush your head" Gen. 3:15. God has promised the destruction of evil. God has promised that Jesus will crush Satan. On the cross Jesus became obedient to death. Through the resurrection, Jesus guaranteed Satan's defeat. Jesus has crushed and WILL crush evil.

The reason for that is because God wants, and has wanted ever since it became necessary, to redeem us. His beloved. His most precious creation. GOD, the creator. The maker of everything. THE Glorious God. has made a way for us.

He longs to redeem us. He has already made it possible. It's already done!!

That gets me excited.

God is so good.

So, that's what I've been thinking about for a couple of days.

Bye bye.

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