Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh glorious day

Hey hey. It's me. Remember me?

I have been SUCH a blog-slacker lately.

I've been thinking a lot today about a song we sang (is "sang" a real word?) at a church we visited yesterday. So, I thought I would take a minute and tell you (if there are any "you"'s left reading) about it.

I don't remember the lyrics other than the Chorus which was just repeating the words "Oh Glorious Day". The song was talking about the day when Jesus comes back, or when we die and get to meet Him face to face.

And it was just so awesome to sing to Jesus and express that anticipation and joy and hope and peace (Advent theme, anyone?). Normally, I really dig songs that are more singing praises to God than anything else, which this song wasn't necessarily - by the lyrics alone. But, at the same time, I was totally caught up in singing that Chorus.

Sometimes, when I think about / imagine what it will be like on the glorious day, I get all giddy (like a little school boy). But, I can't help it. I get happy thinking about seeing His face. MEETING my Savior. Throwing myself at his feet, full of joy. Touching him. Hugging him. I just can't wait to run to Him like a baby to his daddy!

Anyhow.... That is what has been on my mind today.

Peace out.

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