Friday, October 10, 2008

Tolerate this

Jesus Christ did not preach tolerance. He did not preach toleration.

Got it?!

He preached love. This is true. He did not preach tolerance.

Perhaps there is some story out there I'm not aware of, where Jesus saw the money changers selling and buying religion at the temple, that's different from the story I know.

Did Jesus see the church-turned-into-business and say, "Hhmm... well, I may not think it's right. It DOES violate God's law. BUT, we ought to show them we love them by tolerating their behavior. We don't want to offend them. Even though I think it's wrong doesn't mean it's necessarily wrong for them."


Just wondering.

Maybe I ought to be a better "Christian" and tolerate the crap people say Jesus taught, even though it's NOT IN THE BIBLE!!!


Dan Bryan said...

dude, couldn't agree more. there's a bunch of crap, umm excuse me...bullshit being passed off as the gospel, and it can't be even close to what jesus intended.

he doesn't want you or me to be rich or famous, he wants us to love god and love neighbor...period. he says the rules of this world are different than the what governs the kingdom of god...and you said it above all he said love. faced with hate? love. faced with ignorance? love. faced with physical violence? love.

anyway...i'm with you...i'm not too interested in being a better christian...we've got too many of those running around already.

Josh Cranston said...

Thanks dan,

Hope you stay tuned. I just posted a second part to "Tolerate this". I will probably be posting at least one more after that too.