Friday, October 17, 2008

Tolerate This: part 2

Jesus did not preach tolerance.

Jesus did preach love. Jesus taught us how we are supposed to live our lives. Jesus fulfilled God’s law for us. He IS God. He is the Word of God made flesh.

Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is God. It’s really crazy to try understanding the Trinity. God as Father, God as Son, God as Spirit. But a doctrine that’s hard to understand, or even impossible to understand this side of eternity, doesn’t change it. Doesn’t make it less true.
ANYHOW… I’m rambling now. This isn’t what I wanted to talk about.

The point is this: God did not contradict Himself or His commands as the man Jesus.

Anyone who would say that Jesus taught, or preached, tolerance has to come to grips with this. To believe that Jesus taught tolerance is to believe that God said one thing and did another. If you believe this, then you believe that God is, in essence, a liar.

What did God command in the ten commandments?
Exodus 20: 1 And God spoke all these words: 2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 3 "You shall have no other gods before me. 4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments.
No other gods before me. No idols. I am a jealous God. Pretty clear right. One God. No exceptions. No Buddha. No Mohammad. No Baal. No Asherah. No Zeus. NO OTHER gods!

By the way, looking at “Jesus taught tolerance” through the lens of the first commandment is only one way to show that it’s wrong. FYI.

Jesus could not have later come and taught that God would tolerate other religions, or other Gods. Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 (emphasis mine). Catch that? Jesus taught exclusivity!
NO ONE comes to the Father except through me! NO ONE.

You cannot possibly believe what you’re saying if you’ve ever said these words, or anything like them: “I believe in Christ, but who am I to say what’s right for everyone else. I wouldn’t be so audacious as to tell other people what their supposed to believe.” YOU DON’T HAVE TO SAY WHAT’S RIGHT FOR EVERYONE ELSE. JESUS ALREADY SAID IT. Do you believe HIM or not????? If you answer yes, then you ARE saying what’s right for everyone else. It’s Jesus or it’s nothing. It’s Jesus or it’s not seeing the Father! That’s it!

Jesus Christ – THE Jesus Christ – is the judge of the whole world. Everyone will see Him face to face. Every single person will bow down before Him and every single person will say, “Jesus is Lord! Jesus is the King of Kings! Forever!”. And every single person will be told by Jesus whether or not they will experience eternal life with the Lord or not. Jesus will tell every single person to enter into life and a place prepared for them in God’s Kingdom, or to enter into the eternal death and a place prepared for NOT THEM per se, but a place God specifically made for Satan and the rebellious angels.

God’s desire is not that anyone should go to that place prepared for Satan, a place of fire, weeping, and gnashing of teeth. But God simply CANNOT tolerate anyone who CHOOSES to reject Him and CHOOSES to worship ANYTHING ELSE.

God is not a “tolerant” God, with regard to our acceptance of Him.

God is merciful. God’s faithfulness is unmeasurable. God is so incredibly gracious to forgive anyone and everyone who asks. God WANTS to forgive and glorify Himself through that mercy. Please understand that mercy and forgiveness are completely different than “tolerance”. It’s important.

Jesus did not preach tolerance.


Adam Pastor said...

Greetings Josh Cranston

You stated " It’s really crazy to try understanding the Trinity. God as Father, God as Son, God as Spirit. But a doctrine that’s hard to understand, or even impossible to understand this side of eternity, doesn’t change it. Doesn’t make it less true."

It does make it "less true" if GOD never ever described Himself as a Trinity; and also seeing that His Son, Jesus the Messiah never taught it!!!

The truth of the matter is that the doctrine of the trinity is a doctrine of "man"; which came about centuries after the ascension of Christ!

Christ never taught it nor his disciples!
Rather, they believed that solely the Father is Almighty GOD!
[John 17.3; 1 Cor 8.4,6]

On the subject of the trinity,
I recommend this video:
The Human Jesus

Take a couple of hours to watch it; and prayerfully it will aid you to reconsider "The Trinity"

Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor

Josh Cranston said...

Thanks Adam pastor for your comment.

I do believe that the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is the Lord. He is THE Lord. Not A Lord. Not just a Man given authority or given ability by God, but THE Lord.

There is A LOT in the Bible that would appear to support the idea that Jesus was a "special" person. That he was a Man, and ONLY a Man, who is the Messiah. Jesus mentions that he has been given authority. He tells people that things were done so that they may glorify God, who has given such and such to the Son of Man. I get that.

However, to stop there, or even to go further and examine the Hebrew and the Greek words used for God (which means ONE) leaves a lot of stuff which is IN THE BIBLE unanswered.

Again, I say that God cannot and does not contradict Himself.

It is very clear that there is ONE God, who is jealous for His name and HIS glory, and who has commanded that HE ALONE be worshiped. But it is also very clear that God glorifies Jesus. God exalts Jesus. The rider on a white horse in Revelation 19 is named the Word of God. That is how Jesus is named in John 1 (which ought to be addressed too because it says the Word was WITH God AND the Word WAS God. With and Was...???). The Word is Jesus Christ. Then, Revelation 19 refers to this rider, this Word as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The angels worship Jesus.

God can't say that He alone is to be worshiped, and then allow the angels in heaven to worship someone else. Jesus can't be separate from God because He is worshiped in Heaven!

Also, God said (to whom, by the way was He talking to) in Genesis 1:26 "Let US create man in OUR image, in OUR likeness..."

There's just SOOO much in the Bible to support belief that God is one AND three. People seem to want things to be EITHER / OR. Either God is one OR God is three. He can't be both, they would say. But, again, simply because something doesn't make sense; just because I can't wrap my mind around something doesn't make it false.

God is one AND three.

I DO NOT believe in 3 Gods. I believe in one God, who is three parts. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe in THE God in whose name Jesus said we are to baptize others (Matthew 28. Ought I to baptize a person three times - once in the name of the Father, once in the name of the son, and once in the name of the spirit? NO, of course not. The Father, Son, and Spirit are GOD).

I will be creating a search warp page for myself, so I can write more on this, because this is getting too long.

I'll be sure to post a link to it once I've done that.

I will prayerfully watch that video you recommended too.

Again, thanks Adam pastor.

Adam Pastor said...

Thanks for your reply.

I'll wait until you have done the page & watched the video, to fully reply to your comments.
Because, after you have watched the video, you'll have a better understanding of where I'm coming from.

let me simply add ...
a) The very fact that Jesus is glorified by GOD shows that Jesus is "Lord" and not GOD; since how can GOD indeed be glorified (made greater) in that sense ...
GOD is GOD ... the most excellent glory!

(1 Pet 1:20-21) Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, 21 Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.
(2 Pet 1:17) For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

b) The very fact that Jesus is exalted by GOD again shows that Jesus is "Lord" and not GOD;
because, how can one exalt GOD?? How can one make GOD greater? ... GOD is GOD!!

(Acts 2:33) Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, ...
(Acts 5:31) Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.
(Phil 2:9) Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

c) Look again, the word "worship/proskuneo" is actually not used at all in reference to Jesus in the book of Revelation!
Don't take by word for it, be Berean & double-check!!

Nevertheless, Jesus was worshiped/proskuneo and will be worshiped/proskuneo because he is indeed the King Messiah.

For more info, see
The Worship of Christ

The angels in heaven indeed honor the Son, however, in the book of Revelation they worshiped/proskuneo GOD alone:
REV 4.10-11, 5.14, 7.11, 11.16-17, 19.4,10, 22.9.

This subject as well as Gen 1.26 is dealt with in the video.

Like I said, I'll wait to you have watched the video before I comment further.

Thanks again.

Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor