Friday, May 14, 2010

New Chapter

A few weeks ago I posted a status on facebook that indicated I was excited to begin a new chapter in my life. A few of you have asked for clarification and I have, until now, been very slow to reply. I am sorry for that. (One thing I didn’t realize was that my “new chapter” affords me MUCH less facebook and blog-writing time!)

So, anyhow, my “new chapter” is a new job. After 3 years of working at the Chamber of Commerce I have entered full time ministry – sort of. It’s pretty weird, but that is what I’m telling people. I have entered the full time ministry, by way of taking a position as office manager for a roofing company. I will now explain:

Sara’s (my wife) parents (Tony & Rebecca Archer) are full time missionaries. They spend more time in other countries than they do in America. I consider them Lawton Vineyard Missions Pastors when they ARE home. Most of the work they’ve done (thus far) has been in Peru and Mexico. They do a number of things and work with a lot of different people. One “main” thing they do is children’s ministry stuff. A big focus of their work is on children’s ministry. They create material, teach teachers, lead workshops, publish books – all kinds of stuff. Another function they serve is – get this – to be a blessing to people. Sounds simple, right? It’s really incredible though. They constantly ask God to show them ways they can serve other people, or be a blessing in WHATEVER way God would have them to. And I can tell you without a doubt God is honoring that. The gospel of Jesus Christ is being heard by people because of their (& others) efforts.

You can find out more – and I encourage you to do so – at or their facebook page,!/pages/Arrow-International-Ministry-Inc/86495186122

The organization they work under is called Arrow International Ministry (AIM, or just Arrow).

OK. Back to it.

Rebecca’s father, Sara’s grandfather, Arnold, is the CEO of Arrow. In addition to that role, Arnold is also the owner of a roofing company, Craftsman Home Improvements.

As Tony & Rebecca’s pastor, I was invited to go with them to Peru at the beginning of April. I got to meet some of the folks they work with, and see some of the things God is doing in, with, and through them. I was there for 3 days; they were there for the whole month plus a little. After coming home, Sara and I met with Arnold to give him an update, report, share, whatever you call it. I expressed how amazing it was to be there. God is really doing some incredible stuff in Peru. King Jesus is on the move! I probably indicated that I would love to go again.

Then it happened! My world changed. Arnold asked me to work for him.

He explained what I sort of had an inkling of already. What he said, more or less, is that the roofing company exists to ensure that Arrow is funded. There’s more to it than that but, break it down as far as you can and the bottom line will look that way. The top two priorities, as Arnold sees them are: 1- to ensure that Arrow has what it needs to continue serving and blessing people, and 2- to ensure that his roofing guys get their paychecks. If those two objectives are met, he’s happy.
Arnold asked what it would take to get me to work for him. So I told him what I made at the Chamber and said that Sara and I also have health coverage through that. Then, without so much as batting his eye, he said that would be no problem. He said more than that actually but, suffice it to say that I understood that my pay would not decrease if I were to come work for him.

Soooo…. After prayer and fasting, I accepted his offer, turned in my notice at the Chamber and, on April 26th, I began my “new chapter.”

I am now serving in a full-time ministry position via a roofing company. It is SO fun. I am really loving this new job. The job itself is wonderful. And I am really happy to be able to take a part in what happens with Arrow, and through that, participate in new ways in the Kingdom of God! I may be going to Mexico and Peru on more trips, and possibly even bringing my family with me sometimes, which is REALLY exciting for me. I am (very slowly) learning Spanish. And I can honestly say that I’ve seen with my own eyes, and experienced first-hand how incredible God is. Our God is an awesome God! It is so exciting to be in the service of the King of Kings!

There is probably more I could say, but I’ll end it here. I hope this is a good explanation for my cryptic “new chapter” message a few weeks ago!

No I won’t. One more thing:

I don’t know why, but I just want to encourage anyone who reads this. “Christian” or not. “Follower of Jesus” or not. The encouragement is this. God loves you. There is absolutely nothing you can do about that fact. You are so very precious to him. From the moment you drew your first breath until the moment you stop, God loves you. When there is pain, sorrow, hate, darkness, coldness, joy, happiness, peace, whatever – God loves you. Even if you don’t love him. Even if you hate him. Even if – to you – he doesn’t exist. Today – right now – God loves you.

It’s been on my heart and in my mind lately, that there have been plenty of times when my life, the living out of my Christian life, has probably turned people off from ever wanting to know Jesus. There could be no greater regret for me. None. So I want to live the rest of my life in such a way that I express the love of Jesus to everyone in a way that actually makes people want to know Him. Jesus is worth getting to know. He IS the ONLY source of fulfillment in an otherwise empty existence.

(((Ok – so, a little proof-reading before putting this up has me convinced that this was a very strange ending. Oh well. )))

That is all.